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Revision as of 10:06, 25 June 2021 by Federica (talk | contribs) (Add link for remote start)
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It stands for Charge Detail Request it's an object sent from Enel to us once a charge is over.

It contains various infos about the charge like:
  • The duration
  • The consumption
  • The amount to pay
  • The penalty duration
  • The penalty amount
Key concepts:
  • It can arrive only after that the user detached the cable
  • It can take seconds, hours or even days for it to arrive, it's totally out of our control and sometimes (seldom) it can happen that it doesn't arrive at all
  • It's the only way we have to tell users how much they have to pay. During the charge we see of course some consumption data and costs, but the only reliable way to know how much a user has to pay is the CDR

Little recap of the flow:

User detaches the cable ->

after an unpredictable time our api receives the CDR from Enel ->

from now on we can notify the user that he has to pay, the amount, the consumption, the penalty (if present), ecc...

Remote start

It's an operation performed TODO