This is the app for tablet to simulate charges on a charging point on street or in a parking
You can download it here:
In the "real life" the mobile applications are expected to charge the car in two different ways:
- on street: the mobile app sends a http request to our backend api - and then our backend api forwards the request to Enel and then Enel dispatches the request to the charging point
- in a parking: the mobile app connects to the charging point via blue tooth (because in parking 3G-4G connectivity is not guaranteed since they can be located underground) - and then the charging point forwards the request to Enel (the charging points, on the contrary, are guaranteed to have connectivity) and then Enel connects to our backend api
The CU-Simulator app interacts with the mobile applications in the same way, depending on the simulation is set to happen on street or in parking. You can opt for on-street-mode or parking-mode simply choosing a charging point located on street or in a parking from the dropdown menu
How to distinguish charging points on street from charging points in a parking:
- charging points on street: their name is not preceded by a [P]
- charging points in parking: their name is preceded by a [P]
What infos are displayed:
When you simulate a charging point you should see the following informations:
- The "mnemonic" name of the charging point
- The evse-id of the charging point (when they end in "*2" it means that the charging point is located on the right of the charging station, "*1" otherwise)
- The status, "AVAILABLE", "RESERVED", "OUT OF SERVICE", ecc...
- The elapsed consumption in kWh (during a charge)
- The elapsed time (during a charge)
What you need to know:
CDR: the object containing the final consumption, the amount to pay and other infos related to the charge is called CDR and it's sent to us by Enel only once the user detached the cable. The CDR normally takes some seconds / minutes to be sent but there are cases when it's sent even days later
Penalty: When the charge ends (because the user stops it or because the car is charged) the user has to detach the cable in 30' from the notification. If that doesn't occur he pays a penalty until he detaches the cable. Penalty may vary and may not apply in certain hours (by night for example)
Before starting:
Ensure that:
- Blue tooth is turned on on tablet
- CU-Simulator is the only app using blue tooth (so check that Dashboard app and Q_Simulator app are totally turned off, not only in background)
- The tablet is connected to the Internet
- You selected the right environment in the top left dropdown menu among Developer, Staging, Sandbox and Production
To simulate a charge on street:
Select an on street charging point from the dropdown menu and press "START SIMULATE"
Start a charge from the mobile app
Press the button to simulate the connection of the cable in CU-Simulator
Now you can observe that the electric consumption in kWh increases
When you are satisfied with it stop the charge from the mobile app
Detach the cable from CU-Simulator
You should receive the CDR and suggest the user to pay